
78 79 Environmental Stewardship About This Report Who We Are Progressing Towards A Sustainable Future Managing Our Sustainability Risks Good Governance Sustainable Economic Growth Empowering People and Communities KENANGA INVESTMENT BANK BERHAD Sustainability Report 2022 Awards and Recognitions GRI Content Index ESG Performance Data Nurturing a Skilled Workforce Kenanga places effort into creating a skilled, competent, and agile workforce by providing its employees access to purposeful growth and developmental opportunities. Numerous training and development programmes have been offered to help our employees upskill and reach their full potential, in order to better serve our clients and effectively drive organisational growth. We identify training and development programmes for our employees by referring to the Kenanga Competency Framework, which is based on the Securities Industry Development Corporation (“SIDC”)’s Industry Competency Framework. It outlines Kenanga’s Core Values and leadership competencies. Our Learning and Development Policy further supports our values for continuous learning and development for employees at all levels of the organization. We continue to introduce opportunities to learn through training programmes in areas such as digital competency, leadership skills, and sustainability-related issues. In 2022, we invested approximately RM2.7 million on talent and development programmes for employees. Our Approach to Talent Development: We adopt a four (4)-pronged approach to our training and development efforts which centres on supporting our employees’ personal development while ensuring that they can meet our evolving business needs. We implemented the Kenanga Leadership Development Framework in 2022. A total of 205 employees took part in this training. Regulatory Mandatory courses that ensure robust corporate governance and regulatory compliance. Leadership Modules that inculcate leadership skills through building winning mindsets and developing the capacity of employees to implement the Group’s strategy. Functional Courses that equip employees with technical and practical skills relevant to professional growth and the Group’s business needs including accredited courses with certifications or professional qualifications required by job roles. Personal Effectiveness Courses that hone employees’ competencies and facilitate self-improvement. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY2022 Total expenses on training and development Over RM2.7 million Total enrollments in training and development 22,240 Overall training hours 39,326 AVERAGE TRAINING HOURS PER EMPLOYEE BY CATEGORY Key Management 88.1 Senior Management 48.1 Middle and Junior Management 29.0 Non-Executive/ General Employees 7.8 EMPOWERING PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES EMPOWERING PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES Note: For Year-On-Year data of training and development, please refer to page 93 of this report. 31.6 26.0 Female Male Average Training Hours per Employee by Gender Average training hours per employee 29.0 Average training days per employee 3.6